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Men's Nutrition Can Be Healthy

Men and women are different.  You may have noticed this.  As a result, men’s nutrition has slightly different requirements than that for women.

Ironically, one of those variations in need is that women require more iron than men.  Why is that ironic?  What are men presented as eating most?  Great big slabs of red meat, the meat highest in iron.

This doesn’t mean men should avoid meat.  But too much iron can do unpleasant things to the stomach, digestive system, and even the blood, so it’s vital to pay attention to how much of anything you’re getting and from what sources.  Not to mention that too much red meat isn’t really all that good for the heart and arteries.

Society also places other nutritional nuances on men--just as they do on women, but women tend to get the healthier end of the stereotype.  In other words, it is not always seen as "manly" to eat salads or vegetables that haven’t been mashed and covered in butter and gravy.

Peer pressure shouldn’t dictate men’s nutrition anymore than it should women’s, but it is very easy to find certain ideas of what a "real man" should eat embedded in one’s subconscious.  There is also the matter of personal taste influencing what goes into a man’s body.

With that in mind, it is good to know that there are supplements made from whole foods and designed for the nutritional needs of men.  They can even be acquired with tips and advice on how to incorporate healthy foods into a manly diet.

About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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