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Overcome Cravings That De-Rail Your Healthy Diet Plans

After tracking your compliance to your diet for 2 weeks, take a look at where you veer from your healthy diet plans. Were these planned occasions or spur of the moment decisions? Take all the spur of the moment decisions and try to figure out what was going on in those situations. A common problem people have to deal with is cravings. If your compliance is suffering from your struggles with warding off cravings then this is an area to target.

How can you get better?

Step 1:  Identify the cravings.
Step 2:  Idenfity what is causing the cravings (i.e. triggers).
Step 3:  If possible, remove the focus of your cravings. For example, if you crave chocolate make sure there isn’t any chocolate in your house.
Step 4:  Vow to ‘wait out’ your craving. Usually food cravings are psychological. When you are ‘in the moment’ with your craving, acknowledge this fact and make a decision to wait 20 minutes before acting on your urge. Usually after 20 minutes the craving will have passed.

Put this process into action. The first time you do it, you might not do it all successfully. That is fine. Just vow to improve each and every time. Soon enough these cravings won’t be an issue hindering your healthy diet plans anymore.

More resources on working through your cravings:

Use a Healthy Snack Food Alternative to Satisfy Crunchy Cravings

Satisfy Your Sweet Craving with this Healthy Food Snack



About the Author
Jayson Hunter, Jayson Hunter is a Registered Dietitian with over 21 years of experience teaching and educating individuals on how to live a healthier life through nutritional modifications and proper supplementation.
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