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Healthy Eating Habits Can Last A Lifetime

 It is an old question.  Do I eat the chocolate cake first or the salad, or just skip the salad and eat all the chocolate cake?  Sadly, we know the answer to this question, but healthy eating habits can make it all much easier to swallow.

There are many questions older than the cake/salad conundrum.  For starters, refined sugar didn’t make it to Europe until about 1000--before that, there were things like honey, which are healthier because you don’t get that addictive kick to your system--and chocolate was tucked away in South America until the 1500s.  Not to mention that way back in the beginning, the question wasn’t "what should I eat?" but "will I?"

That is actually a question asked by a great percentage of the world’s population, which makes our daily struggles with eating the right foods a little ironic.  Nonetheless, we still face them.

The trick with healthy eating habits is to start early.  Kids don’t always like healthy foods because their much more sensitive taste buds get stronger flavors from everything, but if you can manage to get your child to think of vegetables as fun not a burden, you’re halfway there.

The other problem is trying to instill those healthy eating habits in yourself, when you’re still thinking about cake.  The good news is that a balanced diet is still full of flavor and once you get past the sugar addiction, you actually feel better.  The better news is that there are people who’ve studied the issues behind mastering a healthy diet and can help.

About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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