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Healthy Eating Tips: Small Changes


Most of us would genuinely like to be healthy eaters.  I mean, wouldn’t it be nice to wake up one morning and prefer fresh green and crunchy to fried and covered in sugar?  While we’re at it, wouldn’t it be great to wake up full of energy and just itching to weed the lawn and finish that novel?  The world is never going to be that perfect, but healthy eating tips can make a bigger difference than you might think.

Studies show it takes about three weeks to turn a new thing in our lives into a habit.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t easy to fall off the wagon and revert to the bad habits, but it does mean that it is possible to introduce changes into our lives if we stick with them for what, given the average human lifespan, is really an eye blink.

Nor do we have to radically change our lives and stick with it for three weeks.  That way lies locking ourselves into the ice-cream case at the grocery store.  But by incorporating one or two of the many healthy eating tips that can be found online into our extant routines for three weeks, we can make small changes that make us feel better.  Then we can look at the list of ways to eat more healthily and pick another couple.

Small changes can and will make a huge difference if stuck to, not only in weight loss, but through increased energy and improved health.  Ask for advice.  It’s out there.


About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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