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Healthy Weight Loss Matters


It is impossible to move through the world as it is today and not hear that we are all too fat and need to lose weight.  There is some truth in that, but more focus needs to be placed on healthy weight loss.
Walk into any store and you will be beset with scores of products marked "healthy," "reduced fat," "fewer calories," and "a good source of…."  There are, sadly, a number of problems with these items that mean none can be taken at face value.
For starters, "healthy" doesn’t have to be backed up in any way, so it can go on pretty much anything the consumer is willing to believe.  "Reduced fat" can have two pitfalls.  The first is how much fat the original product had per serving and the more insidious one is what was added to keep it tasting reasonably similar to the original--it’s usually sugar or flour--meaning that lowering the fat can easily increase the calories.
Part of the problem is that we are to blame.  We want to lose weight, but not to make any real effort to do so.  That’s why products that promise to help you get thin without changing your pizza a day habit sell so well.  Think for a moment about what they would actually have to do to your body to make that work.
Healthy weight loss does require some effort. But there are also products out there that are actually lower fat and calories, while at the same time preserving taste and nutrition.  How does that work?
When a company uses natural foods, it’s amazing what can be done for both healthfulness and flavor.  You may even learn to like eating intelligently.


More resources on healthy weight loss:


Healthy Oatmeal



About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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