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Nutritional Vitamin Supplements Can Boost Your Performance

Exercise takes a lot out of the body.  Some of it we want gone, like excess fat and calories, some of it we will sorely miss if not replaced.  This is why any exercise program should be backed up with the right nutritional vitamin supplements.

While it’s easy enough to go to any store and grab a multi-vitamin off the shelf, it is not as easy to make sure that there’s any actual vitamin content in the bottle.  Or, if there is, that it’s as much as the label claims.

The vitamin industry in this country is virtually unregulated, meaning that despite recommended RDAs and all other manner of advice for those seeking to be healthy--or at least less unhealthy--there is no guarantee the pills being popped are doing any good.

Nor should one forget that the bottles filling our store shelves are packed full of chemical constructs built in the form of nutrients, but which may have little or no connection with actual food.  Doesn’t it stand to reason that your body, which is made to eat food, not laboratory products, could make much better use of nutritional vitamin supplements sourced from whole foods rather than Petri dishes?

It can be very hard to be healthy in today’s world, but if we’re going to make an effort, wouldn’t it be best to make real one?  One where we seek out nutritional vitamin supplements that our bodies can use and process to make up for what we burn trying to be stronger?  Why then use supplements that might make us weak?


About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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