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Slow Down Insulin Insensitivity With Krill Oil



How does krill oil lead to decreased insulin insensitivity in your body?

First of all, research has shown that increased fat in your liver leads to insulin insensitivity and can cause type 2 diabetes.

This is significant and important to take note of because if you are trying to lose weight the last thing you want is insulin insensitivity.  When this happens your body has to produce more and more insulin and it becomes even less efficient at burning calories.  It starts to store more calories as fat.  

Basically, your battle to lose weight becomes a lot harder.  

One thing this study found was that supplementing with a krill oil supplement, which can be found in Prograde EFA Icon, was able to reduce liver fat levels by 60% .  

You may think that the fat you visually see on your body is bad and harmful, but the fat you don’t see on the inside is just as harmful and potentially more damaging to your healthy weight loss efforts.  Take charge of your fat loss by taking a krill oil supplement.



About the Author
Jayson Hunter, Jayson Hunter is a Registered Dietitian with over 21 years of experience teaching and educating individuals on how to live a healthier life through nutritional modifications and proper supplementation.
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