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The Nutritional Supplements Women Need Are Different

Science, medicine, and all those other areas of study are gradually coming to realize that women and men are not the same.  Granted, to many people this has been obvious for quite some time, but the idea that the nutritional supplements women should be consuming need different components or proportions than those for men is a concept that has still not quite gotten through.

Most of the medications, vitamins, etc. in the world are designed for men.  That is, the percentages of active ingredients, proportions, and dosage sizes were all formulated with men in mind.  This was not done deliberately to harm or ignore women--one hopes--but under the simple assumption and despite any evidence to the contrary, that a woman’s system would react exactly the same way as a man’s.

While the idea of adding in extra iron and calcium to make up for certain aspects of female physiology that differs from male has been in vogue for some time, the basic recipes of everything has not changed to take women specifically into consideration.

Fortunately, some companies have taken their studies of nutritional science to the next level and long since began formulating nutritional supplements geared specifically toward women, as opposed to taking a generic, one-size-fits-all formula and tossing in a little more calcium and iron.

Best of all, they are not only taking the various physiological differences into consideration with their formulations, but their vitamins and other supplements are all sourced from natural, whole foods, which the body--male or female--can actually process and use

There are various herbs that can support hormone balance, boost mood, as well as protect bladder and kidney health.

You don't need a megadosed level of vitamins and minerals.  Step 1 is you should be attempting to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can and that includes a wide variety of colors.  This is so you can absorb many of the natural vitamins and minerals that these various colorful foods provide.  Step 2 is to cover your bases by supplementing with a solid whole food based women's multivitamin formula.  This step is designed to cover any patterns you may have with eating the same fruits and vegetables over and over again, which doesn't allow you to consume a wide variety of various vitamins and minerals. 

Follow these steps and you will well on your way to creating a healthier system and body. 

Aren't you worth it?  =>> nutritional supplements for women


About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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