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Organic Energy Bars Are Better Sources Of Energy

We’re all supposed to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, some studies say eight or nine would be better.  The reality is that this rarely happens. Caffeine only gets us so far, and in reality, organic energy bars are much better to turn to when we need a boost.

The same goes if you’re working out, or taking a long hike or bike ride.  We all stuff the energy bars in our pockets or bags because we know we’ll probably need something somewhere along the way.  Not to mention that energy bars are a lot more portable than a cup of coffee, even for those rare souls who still know what thermoses are and would consider carrying them.

Energy bars have made great inroads into the market for the very reasons listed above.  They serve as either supplement or meal replacement.  They are portable, and many of them will last until--or possibly through--the next ice age. They are not dependant upon temperature to be palatable and they don’t weigh a lot.

We are presented with horrible food options dozens of times a day.  Especially if you have a vending machine down the hall from your office at work you go past one every day when you leave work and are already hungry.  What about those who know they are going to eat a late lunch or dinner because of obligations.  What are our options at that point?  Fast food, gas station 'snacks'??

Make sure you have healthy options at those times of vulnerability.

These are all very good reasons for using energy bars.  There are even better reasons for stopping a moment to consider their contents

While energy bars should never be mistaken for a diet food, most people who stop and read the ingredients are shocked either by the amount of sugar or the number of unpronounceable ingredients, or both. If you’re eating them to keep your body going, isn’t an organic energy bar better?  Less sugar, natural ingredients, and who really wants to eat something that’s survived, unchanged, in the glove box for a decade?

The objective of an energy bar is to provide you with quality nutrients to satisfy a craving or hunger.  It is designed to help prevent you from eating junk foods or not eating at all, which then leads to overeating at a later time. 

So make decisions that will lead to controlling your appetite and taking that edge off in the healthiest way possible. 


Make a resolution right now to make healthier choices and to have healthier options available =>> Healthy Organic Snack Bars


About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
Other articles by Jaylab Pro Nutrition

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Sunday, February 14, 2010
