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Why You Need Whole Food Multivitamins


We all know we’re supposed to get our vitamins.  A, all the Bs, C, D, all the way through to Zinc--or even beyond, depending on what’s been discovered this week.  We also know it’s very complicated. Whole food multivitamins make getting what we need quite simple.

I’ve become convinced that one reason people fail to follow healthy diets is the math.  It’s like having a kid who’s allergic to almost everything and has to have a diet where no one food builds up in her system, meaning rye bread and turkey one day, wheat and chicken the next.The same applies for getting all the nutrients we’re supposed to--broccoli today, romaine lettuce tomorrow--how many servings and in what size?  The truth is that a generally balanced diet will cover most of the bases and ultimately balance everything out.


Unfortunately, once the math problems are disposed of, time rushes in to fill the vacuum.  It isn’t always easy to find the time to shop and prepare the right mix of foods, and eating out all the time gets very expensive unless you go for the stuff whose major food groups are fat and salt.

So we take vitamins, which aren’t much better.  Most vitamins on the market are chemical constructs that only have a passing connection with food and may not actually contain the functional properties they’re meant to.

Whole food multivitamins answer all of these problems.  They cover all the nutritional bases and are sourced from actual, honest-to-goodness, whole foods.  This means they contain what they say they do, in natural forms that the body can use.


About the Author
Jaylab Pro Nutrition, JayLab Pro is a nutrition supplement and education company that focuses on teaching individuals how to live a healthier life. Find more great information at and follow us on Facebook at
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