What Your PEE Can Tell You About Your Health

...how does your urine rank?  Find out what you can find out about your health before you FLUSH!

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES—Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Face it:

Before you flush it down the great abyss, you probably don’t think too much about your pee.

In fact, most of the time, people don’t even look in the bowl after they pee, they instinctively flush it out of sight.

But here’s the deal:

You can tell a lot about your health—and the health going on inside your body—by looking, frequency of your bathroom trips, and the color of your urine.

Your Urine—the Liquid of Your Health

Urine is one of your body’s natural systems for eliminating waste from your cells and organs.  It primarily consists of water, salt, urea, and uric acid.  It is produced by your kidneys when they are filtering toxins, chemicals, and other bad stuff from your blood.

Now, before you think that urine is just a waste product, it’s not!  There are many different factors happening in your body right now—including medications, foods, and illnesses—could impact how your urine looks and SMELLS before it hits the toilet bowl!

So, before you flush it down the drain, make sure you take a quick look in the bowl to determine if there may be anything crazy (health-wise) going on inside your body:

The Color of Your Urine

The color of your urine could tell you a lot about what’s going on inside your body.  Normally, urine should be pale yellow to gold. 

And other color could mean there’s something fishy going with your health.   It’s important to note that if your urine is clear, it could mean that you’re overhydrated (or that you’ve been taking a diuretic).  On the flip side, dark-colored or honey colored urine could mean that you’re dehydrated and that you should think about drinking some water.  If it persists or gets darker, it could mean there is something wrong with your liver and you may want to have it checked out.

If your urine is any other color, it could mean there’s something wrong inside your body. 

Here’s what the different colors may mean:

Red or Pink

There are certain foods, like carrots, beets, blackberries, and rhubarb that may actually turn the color of your urine pink or even dark red.  No reason to be concerned as it’s normal and is usually associated with pigments found inside those particular foods.  It could be red or pink also due to certain antibiotics or drugs used to treat UTIs.

If it is red or pink—without taking medications or eating the foods listed above—it could be due to blood being in your urine.   Red or pink urine could also signify that you may have a untreated UTI or even issues with your kidneys.  If you’re unsure why your urine is red or pink, it’s best to visit your doctors to talk about your symptoms.


If your urine is orange, it could be due to certain antibiotics or high doses of vitamin B.  However, depending on how orange (or dark) it is, it could be a sign of dehydration, a blocked liver, or even a blocked duct.  Always consult a doctor is the color doesn’t dissipate in a few days.


Have you ever had blue or green poops after eating a ton of blueberries?  The same holds true for your urine.  If it has a blue or green hue, it most likely is due to food chemicals, additives, or coloring that is often added to food to enhance the color.  However, it can also be caused by medication. 


This could be the biggest concern of all!  If you’re urine is often foamy or frothy—regardless of color—you should be seen by your doctor.  Although it could be nothing, it could also be a sign of elevated protein levels in your urine which is indicative of kidney disease.

Although the color of your urine could be an indicator of poor health, the SMELL could alert you to future health issues.

Take a look:

The Smell of Your Urine

There are certain foods that could change the smell of your urine.  Asparagus, for example, may leave a strong sulfur smell.  No need to worry when it comes to certain foods.   Your urine could also smell really bad when your dehydrated.  Dehydration leads to more concentrated urine, so you may have a stronger ammonia smell when you’re dehydrated.

If you smell something strong before you flush, you may want to pay a visit to your doctors, as certain smells may indicate certain diseases.  Strong smells may be linked to UTIs, diabetes, metabolic diseases, or bladder issues.

How Often Do You Go

The smell and color are extremely important and could cause enough of a concern for you to visit your doctor.

However, how often you go could indicate some serious issues going on inside your body.  Most people tend to urinate up to eight times each day.

However, depending on how much you drink (or even eat), you could notice an increase or decrease in your bathroom trips.

If you notice a sudden increase in how often you visit the bathroom, it could signify an issue going on inside your body.  More frequent bathroom trips could mean that you could have diabetes, an enlarged prostate (for men), vaginitis (in women), or a problem with the wall of your bladder.

One other condition that could occur is an overactive bladder that happens as you get older.   Although it happens often in men and women, it’s not a normal sign of aging and should be discussed with your doctor.

When Does Your Urine Become a Concern?

If you start to notice changes in your urine, and it causes you concern, you should speak with your doctor about the issues you’re seeing.

Although it could be nothing, there could be something serious going on inside your body or with your health.

Any changes in the color, smell, or the frequency of urinating (that you’re nervous about) should be discussed with your doctor to rule out any major issues with your health.

Remember, toxins, chemicals, food additives, certain medications, and other factors could alter the color and the smell—so keep a detailed record of what you’ve been eating, drinking, or taking for medications so you have all the necessary information when discussing with your doctor.

Even though you’re constantly bombarded by toxins and chemicals in your food and water, your body does a pretty good job of eliminating them from your body.  However, every so often, it needs some help. 

And when your body is unable to remove those toxins and chemicals from your body, it may mess with your metabolism and other areas of your health.  On the next page, i am going to show you a way to naturally eliminate toxins from your body—the safe and natural way. 

Not only will this help eliminate toxins, it could also accelerate your metabolism and strip away years of unwanted belly fat.  If you’re looking for an all-natural solution, then be sure to CLICK THE NEXT PAGE BUTTON below to discover the herbs and spice you need to reverse weight loss resistance:

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About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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