STOP! You Didn't Eat THESE Foods Last Year Did You?


Big food companies like to put out products that seem like healthy options, but really do nothing but add fat, calories, and sodium to your diet.

For example, the terms “light”, “fat-free”, and “low-fat” may be just fancy marketing terms geared to a specific population.

And that population, unfortunately, is the weight loss crowd!

Now, big food also likes to put our products geared toward improving your health.

But, you may be very disappointed if you really dig into the ingredients of these foods…

“Healthy Foods” that Make You Fat

There are plenty of healthy foods out there that help you shred fat.

Things like sprouted grain breads, steel-cut oats, fruits, vegetables, and grass-fed, wild caught meat are perfect examples of foods that shred fat and provide essential nutrients your body needs.

But, there are foods – that you may have in your kitchen right now – that are nothing but deceptive marketing ploys and are no good for your body.

Here are some examples:

1. Diet Soda

Everyone knows that full-fledged soda is awful for your health and your fat loss.  So big food took this information and developed diet soda.

They filled these sodas with water and artificial junk that makes this drink ZERO calories and low in sodium, fat, etc.

But, turns out diet soda may be one of the unhealthiest drinks around!

Diet soda has been linked to increased sugar cravings (remember, artificial sweeteners are 10 times sweeter than sugar), increased fat gain, and an increased risk for diabetes.

2. Veggie Chips

Have you ever grabbed a bag of veggie chips, simply because the word veggie was on the label?

You would think that veggie chips would be a healthier alternative to potato chips, simply because they are made from veggies –like sweet potatoes, kale, and the other veggies splashed on the label.

But, you would be WRONG!  When you compare a bag of veggie chips to potato chips, you may be surprised to find that both have roughly the same amount of calories, fat, sodium, and carbs.

Plus, most of the veggies (if a lot are used that is) used in these chips are processed and refined therefore stripping away to vitamins, minerals, and fiber that you would normally find in raw veggies.

This could lead to dangerous spikes in blood sugar, increased levels of fat-storing insulin, and even greater risk for you getting fat.

3. Vegetable Oil

Another product that contains the word vegetable, this oil may be extremely unhealthy for you.

Back in the 1900’s, vegetable oil was introduced in order to replace the saturated fat in people’s diets.

The problem with vegetable oil is this:  it contains far too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough of the good fats (omega-3’s).

This altered ratio may lead to increased inflammation and may also cause damaging changes to your cells.

It’s best to avoid vegetable oil and stick with a high quality olive oil brands for better overall health and improved fat loss results.

AVOID These Foods and Boost Your Fat Loss

Big food companies like to LIE to your face and sell you products that may be less than impressive for your fat loss.

The reason: they are more interested in padding their bottom line than they are about your health.

That’s why, it’s important that you fight back.  Starting with avoiding these three foods – and others termed fat-free, light, or reduced-fat, may send a strong message to big food that you have had enough!

By avoiding these “healthy” foods, you may boost your fat loss and improve your health at the same time.

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Written by Jaylab Pro Nutrition on Jul,08 2022Medically reviewed by Jayson Hunter RD. on Jul,08 2022

About Jayson Hunter & Jaylab Pro

Jaylab Pro was founded by Registered Dietitian Jayson Hunter. Jayson has been recognized as one of America's foremost weight loss experts by America's Premier Experts™. He has also been featured in USA Today for this accomplishment. Jayson is also a best-selling author having co-authored multiple books in health & fitness and business growth. Jayson and the Jaylab Pro team are proud to create content that helps improve the lives of millions of people around the world. We hope you enjoy it just as much as others have.

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