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MindMatrix 1 Bottle
MindMatrix 6 Bottles
MindMatrix 3 Bottles
NEW: Breakthrough Science And Nutrition Research Has Unlocked
The SIMPLE Secret To A Stronger, Healthier Brain So You Can FINALLY Experience...
How To Get A Razor Sharp Memory, “Fog-Free” Focus, Improve Your Mood, And Fight Back Against Mental Diseases In Only 30 Seconds A Day
Invest just a few minutes now to discover this simple, PROVEN trick to reboot your mental function and improve your mood WITHOUT gimmicks or complicated brain exercises ever again!
Dear Friend,
Everyone knows it happens from time to time:
You walk into another room and instantly forgot what you came in for...
You meet someone new and ten seconds later can’t recall their name to save your life...
Or sometimes, it’s just downright difficult to stay focused, whether we’re reading a book, solving a problem, learning something new, or just trying to hold our own in a conversation...
No matter what specific issues might be concerning you, it’s important to know...
These Problems Are Just The Beginning And Can Get Much Worse (And More Frequent) As We Get Older...
There’s good news, though, which I’ll share in just a moment...
First, check this out:
Recent research has found that our mental functions peak at around age 22...
And in just five short years later, have been shown to start declining...
I was SHOCKED to know it starts at such a young age.
But the facts are facts, and according to researchers, like Professor Timothy Salthouse from the University of Virginia:
“Results conclude that some aspects of age-related cognitive decline begin in healthy, educated adults when they are in their 20s and 30s.”
What Does This Mean For YOU And The Future Of Your Mental Health?
If you choose to label a sluggish brain as “just a part of getting older”...
You miss the opportunity to NOURISH your brain with the nutrients it needs to perform at a healthy level...
And in doing so, support your mental function, instead of letting it get worse with time, and put yourself at greater risk of age-related mental ailments that rob you of your freedom, comfort, and peace of mind.
For example, problems like:
> Losing your ability to focus and pay attention...
> A declining memory, and lack of ability to recall important names, dates,
and faces...
> Trouble communicating with loved ones and others in your daily life...
> Finding it more difficult to make plans or solve problems...
> Forgetting where you’ve left things, and having difficulty retracing your steps...
> Having difficulty completing familiar tasks whether at home, work, or a hobby...
> PLUS, the onset of more serious age-related mental diseases like alzheimer’s, dementia, and so on.
Here’s Why Everyone Needs To Support Their Brain Health, Not Just Older Folks Or Those With “Bad Genetics”...
In the simplest terms possible:
As we age, our reflexes tend to slow down.
We walk slower, react slower, and even think a little slower.
Memory starts to erode away, particularly our short-term memory that’s critical for learning new things.
Brain scans have even shown that our brains SHRINK as we get older, unless we proactively protect them with keeping our minds active and maintaining a healthy diet that gives our body enough nutrients.
The bad news is that it can be difficult to find and consume enough of the right nutrients that specifically support the health of our brains.
The Good News Is: You Can Now Rapidly Support Your Brain Health, Reboot Your Mental Function, And Improve Your Memory, Focus, And Mood Starting TODAY!
At Jaylab Pro, we’ve already helped hundreds of thousands of customers improve all sorts of areas of their health...
If you’re reading this report, chances are you’re one of them.
For years, we’ve focused a lot on weight management and fitness...
But after seeing just how early mental problems can occur, and knowing how difficult it can be to live a healthy, productive lifestyle because of it...
We’ve spent a lot of time researching the fastest, safest, and most effective NATURAL nutrients for brain health today...
We’ve combed through years worth of medical research...
And looked at all of the existing brain health products to see what they’re lacking...
And we challenged our team of formulators to find a way to bring all of this information together to create the BEST brain-boosting product to date...
Did our team deliver? Absolutely!
And what they came up with was:
A Unique Blend Of 8 Potent Natural Ingredients, Guaranteed To Promote Healthier Mental Function!
Introducing: MindMatrix
And make no mistake:
Even though there are several nutrients included in MindMatrix, we didn’t skimp on a single one of them...
You get exactly what you need to start supporting your brain health, and experience the many health benefits that come as a result.
For example...
With MindMatrix, You Can Finally:
> Sharpen Your Memory And Focus. Imagine having razor-sharp recall abilities and better focus, allowing to you to never forget the things that matter most.
> Banish Brain Fog. By keeping your brain healthy, you’ll be able to melt away brain fog, giving you a sense of clarity and well-being so you can tackle any task life throws at you.
> Promote Less Risk Of Alzheimer’s And Dementia. As you’ll see in the list of ingredients (below), several of the ingredients in MindMatrix has been proven to promote LESS risk of these age-related mental problems.
> Improve Your Mood. Several of the ingredients (below) have also been shown to elevate mood, created a better sense of happiness, well-being, and control when faced with stress.
> Add More Years Of High-Quality Living. Whose life wouldn’t be improved by having better brain health, more freedom, and less risk of degenerative mental diseases?
You Get 8 Proven Nutrients Formulated Into One Powerful Brain-Boosting Solution:
Brain Booster #1 - DMAE: DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is an organic compound naturally produced in our brains and is also found in fish like anchovies and salmon.
This amino acid has been used to support a number of brain benefits like: treating ADHD symptoms, boosting memory and brain power, improving mood, and treating symptoms related to Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Brain Booster #2 - Gingko Biloba: This powerful herb has been used for decades as a way to improve circulation to the brain and to improve brain health.
Gingko Biloba has been used to treat issues with memory, depression, difficulty concentration, poor focus, and depression. It may also be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other memory issues as you get older.
Brain Booster #3 - Phosphatidylserine Complex: this nutrient is found naturally occurring in your brain cells and the outer layer protecting your brain. This potent nutrient removes waste and allows for nutrients to pass easily into the delicate cells in your brain.
But its big job: It prevents and restores memory loss, alleviates stress and anxiety, and may be able to prevent the onset of dementia in the elderly.
Brain Booster #4 - Acetyl-L-Carnitine: This amino acid has been used for years to treat many common ailments in the brain, including memory issues, Alzheimer’s disease, thinking problems, and depression.
This amino acid may enable proper blood flow to the brain, acts as another precursor to acetylcholine, and deliver the nutrients your brain need for optimal functioning.
Brain Booster #5 - Gamma-Aminobutyric acid – Commonly referred to as GABA, this powerful chemical is commonly produced in your brain. However, as you get older, your GABA levels start to decline. This powerful chemical is used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and may be useful in treating ADHD.
Brain Booster #6 - Glutamine: This amino acid is found in abundant sources in your brain. It acts as a very excitatory neurotransmitter for your central nervous system and is crucial to maintaining overall brain function and health.
This powerful amino acid plays a role in synaptic maintenance and function and lends a hand in improving your learning and memory.
Brain Booster #7 - Bacopa Monniera also commonly referred to as “Brahmi”, this plant has been used for over 3,000 years in ancient Ayurveda medicine.
This flowering plant may be used to treat anxiety, poor cognition, and a lack of concentration. Ancient medical practitioners have used this “tonic” to improve learning and boost your ability to reason.
Brain Booster #8 - Vinpocetine: This nutrient is found naturally occurring in the periwinkle plant, Vinca minor. Its main function is to increase blood flow and circulation to the brain, therefore delivering more nutrients to your working brain cells.
This increased blood flow could improve learning, memory, concentration, and cognition tasks as you age.
Just one capsule of MindMatrix with a meal, twice a day, and soon you’ll start to experience all of the benefits we discussed today when it comes to keeping your brain healthy.
Supply and demand are a very serious reality...
We could easily run out of MindMatrix at any time...
That’s why this specific offer will not be Guaranteed forever...
If you choose to leave this page and come back at a later date, the price could easily change at any time...
That’s why you absolutely MUST order today to guarantee the best possible savings.
Plus, as always, every bottle you order is protected by our...
60-Day Money Back Guarantee!
So go ahead and place your order right now...
If the quality and results of MindMatrix don’t live up to its reputation.
Or if you don’t see and feel the results you expect from taking it within 60 days...
Simply contact our friendly customer care department for a PROMPT and courteous refund.
We’ll make it hassle-free.
Because we want to show you MindMatrix can work for you, and make it as easy as possible for you to try it.
And with this risk-free guarantee in place...
We’ll Take On All The Risk While You See If MindMatrix Is Right For You!
Sound fair to you?
If so, don’t wait any longer...
Order your risk-free supply of MindMatrix right now.
Once you select your order, we’ll immediately process your order and rush it to your door...
Here’s How To Order:
1. Scroll down to the secure order form below...
2. Click the Add To Cart button next to the option that best suits you...
3. Select any Add-On packages then click the Proceed To Secure Checkout button.
4. You’ll enter your billing and shipping into the secure order form...
5. Click the button on the Order Form to place your order...
That’s it!
After you’re finished, we’ll take care of everything else for you and process your order right away.
So go ahead now and click the Order Now button to get started and we’ll see you on the other side:
Need help or want to order over the phone? No problem! Just give us a call at 1-888-943-8776.
Jayson Hunter
Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS
JayLab Pro
Secure Online Ordering Choose the option that is best for you.

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To read about customs laws and international shipping please click this link and check out "International Information"
- Free Shipping for all smart ship USA and Canada orders, regardless of order size!!!
- Most orders are shipped directly from our warehouse within 12-24 hrs (during business days) for your convenience and maximum efficiency.
- Your product will arrive within 3 to 6 Business Days.
We offer Expedited Shipping options that you can choose from when checking out.
- International orders are shipped via USPS and should arrive within 12-14 business days from the day it is shipped.
Due to various Customs policies, we cannot guarantee delivery for any orders outside of the United States, especially for orders of more than a 90 day supply of a specific product. Additionally, any duties and customs fees that may be due upon delivery are the responsibility of the customer. Each country has different laws and regulations regarding the purchase of products from other countries. You are responsible for making sure that buying nutritional supplements from the United States is allowed.
- We offer a 60 day 100% Satisfaction guarantee or your money back. Please contact us for return requests.
A Few Of The Reasons Why You Should Buy From Us:
We use a national fulfillment center to ship your order. We have partnered with United Fulfillment Solutions for all order fulfillment and have our products strategically placed in warehouses across the United States. That means you will be receiving your wonderful products by one of the most reliable online retailers in the business.
Secure Encrypted Ordering available
Lowest pricing available online
Courteous, knowledgeable and professional support
Thousands of satisfied customers
Quality scientifically backed ingredients. You will love our products
100% Satisfaction Money back guarantee.
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All of our Jaylab Pro products are made from all scientifically backed ingredients. You can read our ingredients without the use of a dictionary.
Every raw material ingredient goes through a series of quality control tests before it is even accepted into inventory Those same raw materials are held in temperature- and climate-controlled warehouses to ensure maximum potency.
Our products go through High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) testing to guarantee what we say is in the bottle is truly in the bottle and that it delivers the desired result
For powder blending, only V-blender and Ribbon Blender systems are used for thorough mixing and nitrogen flushing, assuring consistency and product integrity.
The water system that feeds the manufacturing environment includes reverse osmosis, micron filtering and de-ionization – all providing the cleanest de-ionized water for total product stability
The bottom line is we love our customers, and our customers love our products!
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